METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 03-06-2018

METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 03-06-2018 In studio: Demone

01. Freedom Call :: Rockin Radio
02. Tool :: Fortysix and two
03. Epica :: Crimson Bow and Arrow
04. Madsen :: Kaptain
05. Eversin :: Soulgrinder
06. Immortal :: Northern chaos gods
07. Heaven Shall Burn :: Combat
08. Children of Bodom :: Somebody put something in my drink
09. Vektor :: Accelerating universe
10. Black Stone Cherry :: Burnin'
11. Wasp :: Chainsaw Charlie
12. Visigoth :: Warrior queen
13. Metal Church :: Date with poverty
14. Annihilator :: Never, Neverland
15. Nile :: Sarcophagus
16. Daylight Silence :: Power of speech
17. Love/Hate :: Why do you think they call it dope?
18. In Flames :: Moonshield
19. Meshuggah :: I am colossus
20. Destrage :: My green neighbour
21. Kreator :: Totalitarian Terror
22. Hanoi Rocks :: Highwired
23. Onslaught :: Enemy of my enemy
24. Suidakra :: The hunter's horde
25. Oranjeboom :: Sidewalk
26. Steel Panther :: Asian Hooker
27. Georgia Satellites :: Open up all night
28. Tubronegro :: Hot for nietzsche
29. Thin Lizzy :: Thunder and lightining
30. Motorhead :: God save the queen


Inserita da: Wolverine il 04.06.2018 - Letture: 1687

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