METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 19-02-2017

METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 19-02-2017 In studio: Jerico

01. Arch Enemy :: Blood On Your Hands
02. Soen :: Opal
03. Lethe :: Down Into The Sun
04. The Wild! :: Livin' Free
05. Dimmu Borgir :: Mourning Palace (live)
06. Invidia :: Feed The Fire
07. Helion Prime :: The Drake Equation
08. Groupie High School :: Liquid Lunch
09. Amorphis :: Her Alone (live)
10. Opeth :: The Leper Affinity
11. Imminence :: This is Goodbye
12. Porcupine Tree :: Time Flies
13. Emmure :: Flag of the Beast
14. Fit For An Autopsy :: Heads Will Hang
15. Ghost Iris :: Pinnacle
16. Black Map :: Ruinst Iris :: Pinnacle
16. Black Map :: Ruin
17. Immolation :: The Distorting Light
18. Mothersloth :: Once Human


--- Intervista MASTRIBES ---
19. Mastribes :: Rock N' Roll

20. Anewrage :: Evolution Circle
21. Nudist :: Bury My Innocence
22. Martyr Lucifer :: Lady Bird
23. Dustineyes :: Fame'n'Quids
24. Anèma :: She
25. Forged In Blood :: Forever
26. Sleazer :: Faded Dream
27. PsychoKiller :: I Dream it all Tonight
28. SkeleToon :: Mooncry

29. Elephant Bell :: Come To See The Show
30. SikTh :: No Wishbones
31. Within The Ruins :: Beautiful Agony

METALWAVE ON-AIR, in onda ogni DOMENICA dalle 19:30 alle 22:30 sulle frequenze di RADIO GALILEO - (Terni), é un programma radiofonico curato da Jerico, in collaborazione con Alcio, Demone e Wolverine, e con la partecipazione di tutto lo staff di METALWAVE.

Ospiti telefonici della puntata:
Ore 21.00 - MASTRIBES

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Tel: 0744.402501
SMS BOX: 327.0654271


Inserita da: Jerico il 19.02.2017 - Letture: 2342

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