METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 26-05-2024

METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 26-05-2024 In studio: DJ Demone

01. Freedom Call :: Rockin radio

02. Hellacopters :: Stay with you
03. Ornassi Pazuzu :: Muuntautuja
04. Kreator :: You are the government
05. Crimson Veil :: Flinch

06. Hierophant :: Seeds of vengeance
07. Madhouse :: Nicotine
08. Licorice Trip :: Glitch
09. Tarchon Fist :: Soldiers in white
10. Sfregio :: Vino

11. Leatherwolf :: Nobody
12. Rob Zombie :: Living dead girl
13. Rockstars on Mars :: Tequila n Gin
14. Heaven Shall Burns :: Black tears
15. Mastodon :: High road
16. Ministry :: N.W.O.
17. Black Sabbath :: Keep it warm
18. Hell in the Club :: Undertaker
19. Atreyu :: Drowning
20. Alpha Wolf :: Bring back the noise
21. Skid Row :: Bonehead
22. Drowning Pool :: Sinner
23. Avenged Sevenfold :: Hail to the king

--- Intervista CHARUN ---
24. Charun :: Impeding decline

25. Ferrett :: Let it all hang out
26. Metallica :: Ride the lightning
27. Immortal :: Sons of northern darkness
28. Sabaton :: Sparta
29. Sentenced :: Killing me killing you

30. Adramelch :: Psychostasia
31. Mercurey :: Carnage slumber
32. Demilich :: When the sun drank the weight of water
33. Nocturnus :: The ascension throne of Osiris

34. Queensryche :: The whispers
35. Amerikan Kaos :: Make belive
36. Hardcore :: Superstar :: We don't celebrate sundays
37. Johnny Jetson :: Belive in rocknroll
38. Backyard Babies :: Disfunctional professional
39. Hallas :: Carry on
40. Division Speed :: Iron wings of death
41. Motorhead :: Rock out


Inserita da: Jerico il 27.05.2024 - Letture: 672

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