METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 27-01-2013

METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 27-01-2013 In Studio: Jerico

01. Opeth :: Windowpane
02. Anthrax :: Anthem
03. Dream Theater :: Wither
04. Saxon :: Sacrifice
05. Grave Digger :: We Rock (Dio cover)
06. Heavens Basement :: Nothing Left To Lose
07. Mastodon :: Oblivion
08. Scorpions Child :: Polygon of Eyes
09. Baroness :: The Birthing
10. Blotted Science :: Vermicular Asphyxiation
11. At the Gates :: Blinded by Fear
12. Death :: Empty Words
13. Hypocrisy :: End of Disclosure
14. Lost Society :: Trash All Over You
15. Nevermore :: The Obsidian Conspiracy
16. Down :: The Man That Follows Hell
17. Machine Head :: Bulldozer

18. T-Mule :: Chaos
19. Cayne :: Togheter As One
20. Subliminal Crusher :: Newmanity
21. Malnàtt :: Ho Sceso Dandoti il Braccio
22. Helligators :: Southern Cross
23. Rhyme :: The Hangman
24. Terminal Sick :: Red Eyes
25. Infernal Poetry :: Everything Means 'I'
26. Straight On Target :: Ostrakon
25. Karnya :: Flooding Blood
26. Caronte :: Ode to Lucifer

--- Intervista TONGS ---
27. Tongs :: Ziqqurat

28. Pantera :: Domination
29. Megadeth :: Sleepwalker
30. Slayer :: Angel of Death


Inserita da: Jerico il 27.01.2013 - Letture: 2565

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