METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 26-05-2013

METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 26-05-2013 In studio: Alcio

01. Iron Maiden :: Wasted Years
02. Kiss :: Freak
03. Ozzy Osbourne :: Here For You
04. Motörhead :: Overkill
05. Nightwish :: Last Ride of the Day
06. Dream Theater :: Wither
07. Mat Sinner :: Back To The Bullet
08. Masterplan :: The Game
09. Skid Row :: Kings Of Demolition
10. Oliva :: Raise The Curtain
11. Rhapsody Of Fire :: Triumph Or Agony
12. U.D.O. :: Steelhammer
13. Sabaton :: Carolus Rex
14. Amorphis :: Hopeless Days

--- Intervista ECHOTIME ---
15. Echotime :: In Rebel's Hand

16. GothMinister :: Someone Is After Me
17. Killus :: Feel the Monster
18. S.R.L. :: Pensieri Dal Buio
19. Children Of Bodom :: Halo Of Blood
20. Suidakra :: Storming The Walls
21. Stormlord :: Mare Nostrum
22. Immolation :: Kingdom Of Conspiracy
23. Hypocrisy :: End Of Disclosure
24. Soilwork :: Spectrum of Eternity
25. Lunarsea - 3 Pieces of Mosaic
26. Fleshgod Apocalypse :: The Violation
27. Manowar :: Brothers Of Metal


Inserita da: Alcio il 26.05.2013 - Letture: 2548

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