METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 28-05-2023

METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 28-05-2023 In studio: DJ Demone

01. Freedom Call :: Rockin radio
02. Black Stone Cherry :: Nervous
03. Dead Lord :: Distance over time
04. Koritni :: Down at the crossroads
05. Pagan Altar :: Highway cavalier
06. Lost Society :: Terror Hungry
07. Junkyard Drive :: where i belong
08. Hideous Divinity :: Mysterium Tremendum
09. Enforced :: Hanged by my hand
10. Tribulation :: Vengeance
11. Immortal :: Wargod
12. Sabaton :: Great War
13. Lenity Lake :: Fearless
14. Hardcore Superstar :: We don't celebrate sundays
15. Sodom :: Sodomy and lust
16. Spiritual Beggars :: Per Aspera ad astra
17. Crashdiet :: Generation wild
18. The Carburetors :: Frontpage Babe
19. Backstreet Girls :: Boogie my life away

--- Intervista INDIGORE ---
20. Indigore :: Where are we now?

21. Symphony X :: Nevermore
22. Orphaned Land :: The cave
23. Stratovarius :: Speed of light
24. Speedstroke :: Belive in me
25. Gamma Ray :: Beyond the black hole
26. Monster Magnet :: Space lord
26. Greenleaf :: Electric ryder
27. Red Fang :: Wires
28. Nightstalker :: Dead rock comandos
29. Kadavar :: All our thoughts
30. Scorpion Child :: My woman in black
31. Clutch :: The regulator
32. Truckfighters :: Gargaris


Inserita da: Jerico il 29.05.2023 - Letture: 610

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