METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 15-04-2018

METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 15-04-2018 In studio : Demone

01. Freedom Call :: Rockin Radio
02. Alice Cooper :: Dirty diamonds
03. Airbourne :: It's all for rock'n'roll
04. Motley Crue :: All in the name of
05. Stratovarius :: Against the wind
06. Kreator :: Gods of violence
07. Michael Schenker :: Queen of the hill
08. Graveyard :: Please don't
09. Madsen :: Ruckenwind
10. Ministry :: Victims of a clown
11. Vessel of light :: Son of a man
12. Rings of Saturn :: Margidda
13. Kataklysm :: Guillotine
14. Stop, Stop :: Toilet party
15. Vektor :: Accelerating Universe
16. White Wizzard :: Storm the shores

Intervista @ Hidden Lapse

17. Hidden Lapse :: Redemption
18. Onslaught :: Enemy of my enemy
19. Hardcore Superstar :: Electric Rider
20. Exodus :: Scar spangled banner
21. Supercharger :: Off we go
22. National Suicide :: Dive bar
23. Game Over :: Fix your brain
24. Rage :: Refuge
25. Gamma Ray :: We won't (stop the war)
26. Helloween :: Mission motherland
27. Carcass :: Mount of execution
28. Adam Bomb :: D.W.I.
29. Black Star Riders :: Bound for Glory
30. Motorhead :: Nightmare/the dreamtime


Inserita da: Wolverine il 16.04.2018 - Letture: 1768

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