METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 21-01-2018

METALWAVE ON-AIR: playlist del 21-01-2018 In studio: Jerico

01. Nevermore :: The Seven Tongues of God
02. Voodoo Circle :: Running Away From Love
03. Öblivion :: In The Arms Of A Queen
04. Machine Head :: Kaleidoscope
05. Gasoline Guns :: Panzer Rock'n'Roll
06. Corrosion of Conformity :: The Luddite
07. Novelist :: L'Appel du Vide
08. Satyricon :: Supersonic Journey
10. Ektomorf :: The Prophet Of Doom
11. We Came As Romans :: Foreign Fire
12. Mastodon :: Blood & Thunder
13. Tankard :: Pay to Pray
14. Dead City Ruins :: Bones
15. Letters From The Colony :: Terminus
16. God Dethroned :: Under the Golden Wings of Death
17. Savage Hands :: Red
18. Phil Campbell and he Bastard Sons :: Welcome to Hell

--- Intervista @ Maze of HeaveN ---
19. Maze of HeaveN :: Heavy Metal Bastet
20. RUXT :: Heaven or Hell
21. Essenza :: The Fury of the Ancient Witch
22. Firbholg :: Wilderness Land
23. Heretic's Dream :: A Price To Pay
24. Scala Mercalli :: Last Leaf
25. Unmask :: Ancien Régime
26. Gates Of Doom :: Forvm Ivlii

27. Death :: Symbolic
28. Dio :: Holy Diver
29. Judas Priest :: Painkiller
30. Megadeth :: Symphony of Destruction

METALWAVE ON-AIR, in onda ogni DOMENICA dalle 19:30 alle 22:30 sulle frequenze di RADIO GALILEO - (Terni), é un programma radiofonico curato da Jerico, in collaborazione con Alcio, Demone e Wolverine, e con la partecipazione di tutto lo staff di METALWAVE.

Ospiti telefonici della puntata:
Ore 21.00: Maze of HeaveN

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Inserita da: Jerico il 21.01.2018 - Letture: 1815

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