JUNE 1974: la tracklist del nuovo album ''Please Destroy Me''

"The World Destroyer" feat. Rick Rozz (Death)
"Incognito" feat. Steve Smyth (Forbidden/Testament/Nevermore)
"Abstract" feat. Danny White (Mordred)
"Omero" feat. Tommy Talamanca (Sadist)
"Rhapsody" feat. Dave Young (The Devin Townsend Project)
"Valhalla" feat. Lust Kilman (God Seed/Gaahls Wyrd)
"Mind Assassin's Eyes" feat. Francesco Montesanti (Antropofagus)
"Epitaph" feat. Terrance Hobbs (Suffocation)
"Theorema" feat. Bobby Koelble (Death)
"Wanderlust" feat. Christian Vidal (Therion)
"Stargazer" feat. Patrick Mameli (Pestilence)
"The Claw Of The Iron Mask" feat. Richard Shaw (Cradle Of Filth)
Inserita da: Jerico il 02.12.2022 - Letture: 586
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